
How to make your Minecraft server

So Minecraft is a popular games and Its multiplayer takes a server to connect with your friend and to setup a server is an easy job here’s a quick guide upon it.

Select a Software:

They are many software for a Minecraft server:


  1. Vanilla (Minecraft): The normal and basic server as your normal world
  2. Forge: Best software for MODS
  3. Fabric: Best Software for MODS
  4. Paper: The Software which most of the server use for PLUGINS and most glitches are fixed in this software
  5. Spigot: The software which has most number of plugins supported and it Most used by large server (For Plugins)


  1. Vanilla: The basic Minecraft server similar as your world
  2. Pocketmine: used for Plugins

Now you have selected you software now, It is time for your hosting type:

  1. Third party hosting
  2. On your system

Third Party Hosting:

There are 2 types of third party Hosting:

  1. Paid: Good service, Good server ping(If you select server location near your location), If an high end server low lag and Many host options
  2. Free: NO customer support, may lag, Ping issue and very few option to select


There are Many paid host you can find so I will not tell you any but you can find some on Youtube


There are less free legit host than paid one of the best is Aternos you can try it out for 2 – 5 player multiplayer with no plugins it will work for you.

On your system:

To host your Minecraft server on you system is setup up easy task you can set up the server with given information below:

First make a folder where you want to setup you server:

Now upload your server jar file in the folder:



Now create a txt file name start.txt

Then open the file and paste the command Given below

java -Xmx2G -Xms2G -jar server.jar nogui

Now change the file extension from start.txt to start.bat

Now open the start.bat after clicking it will bring up your server console

Then if your server stops then open eula.txt and then do eula=false to eula=true

Now your server is Ready on your system Just run start.bat again and your server is ready

Check our Minecraft server:

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